How to set dynamic Host header in Kubernetes nginx ingress Controller?Use case:Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
Migrate airflow from single instance to k8s airflow clusterCons with single instance of Airflow:Mar 19, 2023Mar 19, 2023
MinIO — An S3 AlternativeMinIO established itself as the standard for AWS S3 compatibility from its inception. One of the earliest adopters of the S3 API (both V2…Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
How did we Fix EC2 Instance Reachability Health Check Failed ?We had a EC2 instance in a default VPC subnet and We wanted to move that instance into our new custom vpc , So we created an AMI and then…Dec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022
How to Partition CloudFront Logs for Athena!!!When you turn on cloudfront logs to s3 , then it create files like this:Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
My Theory of Alien/Extraterrestrial Existence!!!Our universe is still expanding as per the big bang theory.Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
Dockerfile RUN vs CMD, what is the difference.The common mistake a developer does while making a DockerFile is to use RUN instead of CMD. Developer believes that if she/he is using RUN…Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020
Shrink Shards Of a Index in ElasticsearchTo shrink a shard in elasticsearch we already have a “/old_index/_shrink/new_index” endpoint , which creates a new index with less shards…Jul 24, 2020Jul 24, 2020
How to Create Secure Download Link Urls via NginxCurrent Url: 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020